From the local florist to your neighbourhood butcher, businesses in our community have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.
It’s Our Backyard has been developed to inspire our community to back Geelong and think local first when seeking supplies and essential services.
As many businesses have closed, there are many that have found innovative ways to continue serving the community safely while adhering to restrictions.
Thanks to contact-free delivery, click and collect and other online initiatives, it’s possible to support local from the comfort of your lounge room.
For those that can, supporting businesses in our backyard helps local people, industries and Geelong’s economy.
Whether sending some flowers to loved ones, doing your weekly grocery shop or sharing a post online – remember to think local first.
Every purchase, big or small, made locally makes a difference to our community.
Let’s all think, shop and support local first.
For more details visit 'It's Our Backyard' website
As many businesses have closed, there are many that have found innovative ways to continue serving the community safely while adhering to restrictions.
Thanks to contact-free delivery, click and collect and other online initiatives, it’s possible to support local from the comfort of your lounge room.
For those that can, supporting businesses in our backyard helps local people, industries and Geelong’s economy.
Whether sending some flowers to loved ones, doing your weekly grocery shop or sharing a post online – remember to think local first.
Every purchase, big or small, made locally makes a difference to our community.
Let’s all think, shop and support local first.
For more details visit 'It's Our Backyard' website